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Do You Want To Travel To Colombia?
Ryan Miranda
This article is meant to help you figure out if you want to visit Colombia as well as to give you tips and tricks when visiting Colombia. Some of the information is purely opinionated; but I would still recommend taking my advice as I am someone who has been to Colombia a countless number of times.
Getting There:
If you are in any other place than South America, then flying is about the only way you’re gonna get to Colombia. Although it may seem like it, you are not getting to Colombia through Mexico. However, many flights go to and from Colombia everyday from everywhere; so it shouldn’t be hard to get a flight. The airport you will most likely land at will be Colombia’s biggest and most international one in Bogota (the capital). To give you an idea of how far Colombia is from everywhere; I can tell you that from Toronto Pearson, the flight is a good 5.5 hours.
What To Pack:
As many should know, Colombia is a place where there are basically no seasons; it is hot all-year-round. So first of all, I need to warn you that if you are someone who does not like the heat, I would recommend that you find somewhere else to go. At times, it can feel like having a sauna in an oven with the sun cooking your skin. I have been there when it was above 30 degrees in the day, above 20 at night; for a month straight and without rain. However, the rain there doesn’t do much. Believe me when I say that if you think that the rain will cool you off, you are wrong. Before and after it rains, the air gets so thick and humid that it seems like your whole body is covered in a plastic bag not allowing anything to escape your body. Don’t be fooled by my (slight) over exaggerations, I would still pack a pair of pants with your suitcase filled with summer-wear as it can sometimes dip below 15 degrees at night; with a breeze you can get a little chilly. And if you are going to Colombia for something like business, be prepared to wear pants and a suit because that’s what the locals wear. Look, I am someone who would take hot over cold any day of the month, but my limit comes to an end when you have to wear jeans on a sunny, humid, 35 degree day.
Ok what else should you pack? Oh yeah, NOT your expensive watch, jewelry, cellphone, (you get the point). Although Colombia is nowhere near as dangerous as it was in the Escobar and Farc (rebels) days, it isn’t a perfect country. There is a lot of poverty and crime, although it is perfectly safe in the daylight, you do not want to be in the wrong place at night. So if you must walk through a sketchy area at night, please don’t go walking with a Rolex showing on your wrist whilst talking on your brand new Iphone while your wallet full of fresh Colombian Pesos is hanging out of your backpocket; you are just asking for trouble.
If you are planning to visit during a Canadian winter, then pack lots of bug spray and bring a raincoat. During this time of the year, Colombia's climate is similar to that of a rainforest, lots of rain and humidity. If you are visiting during the summer months, then bring sunscreen and some of that Hawaiian Tropic Cool Aloe; because believe me, no matter how hard you try you’re gonna get burnt at some point.
Getting Around:
Assuming you landed in Bogota and are headed somewhere out into the country, prepare yourself for the treacherous journey ahead. First and most frustrating will be getting out of the city, it is Colombia’s capital afterall. You will want to find yourself a taxi, that is the easy part; most of the cars on the road will actually be taxis. If you need to travel far and don’t mind paying a few extra bucks, I would recommend finding a taxi that is coloured white; these taxis will go further than the yellow ones, they just cost you a bit more. You then just simply tell the driver where you want to go (most of them speak a little English so you should be OK).
Now, this next part of the journey will make your anxiety go up like it never has before, and if you’ve never been an anxious person, you will be sure to experience some now. The roads are small and crowded and the vehicles consist of taxis and motorcycles. You will immediately notice all the honking of horns and the motorcyclists squeezing between every car. You will then notice that your driver is driving like he is in Formula One; cutting people off, people cutting him off, squeezing through spaces where you were sure a car would never fit. Don’t be alarmed however, as this is how everyone drives in Colombia. Though it seems like your driver is driving recklessly, believe me when I tell you that these are the best drivers around. You will likely not get into a crash.
After an hour on a good day and 3 hours on a bad, you will be out of downtown. From here on you will be driving in the mountains, so if you get car sick easily. Ooh! Bring some Gravol and a paper bag, ‘cause it’s about to get twisty and turny.
Your Destination:
Depending on where you are going and the traffic, your drive could be any amount of time. Nowadays, most hotels should have A/C, if not, then hopefully you packed a fan and good luck sleeping in a 25 degree bedroom. Other than that, go out and enjoy learning about the unique culture of Colombia.
Now, I have spent nearly half my life in Colombia so I am very used to the lifestyle there and I have experienced a lot of different things. So going to Colombia might not be the right place for you; but how are you gonna know if you don’t try? Personally, I would highly recommend visiting Colombia as what you experience there could never be taught in a book or at school. At the same time, travelling virtually anywhere will teach you a lot of different things so if you for example do not do well in heat, then go someplace cooler, but if you like heat, sun, jungle, coast, and rich culture, Colombia is the perfect place for you.
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